Calls the ggparliament theme. A reconstructed opinionated theme_void() ggplot2 theme.
theme_ggparliament(legend, background_colour, border)
If legend = `TRUE`, add legend to plot. Defaults to `TRUE`.
If background colour = `TRUE`, fill panel with a grey background. Defaults to `FALSE`.
If `TRUE` add panel border. Defaults to `FALSE`.
data <- election_data[
election_data$country == "USA" &
election_data$house == "Representatives" &
election_data$year == "2016",
usa_data <- parliament_data(
election_data = data,
type = "semicircle",
party_seats = data$seats,
parl_rows = 8
ggplot2::ggplot(usa_data, ggplot2::aes(x, y, colour = party_long)) +
geom_parliament_seats() +
geom_highlight_government(government == 1) +
theme_ggparliament(legend = TRUE, background_colour = TRUE, border = TRUE)